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Friday, October 30, 2009

An unsolved answer for the modifiers in Nepal who are impending for modifications………

Posted on 11:28 AM by Nir@Z

The issue on modifications in Nepal moreover specifically in Kathmandu has really been a subject for the teenagers having immense passion and high spirits for modification. Along with increasing pace of new technologies and blooming styles among Indian bikes,modifications on other hand has been increasing rapidly every day although it has been declared illegal on the rules stated by the ministry of transportation. But the reason behind declaring modification as an illegal act; still is unsolved and has been an obscure issue which has been rumbling on the heads of the keen modifiers today.

The common and flagrant modifications in Nepalese biking include extension of shock to a greater height, two piece handles, silencer pipes producing large sounds etc.But as far as the rules of transportations are considered, modifications have been banned here due to the perilous road accidents where bikes with rough modifications have been listed. A few years back, bike modifications were not such big issues as the road accidents hardly involved modified bikes. But now along with the proliferation in the number of bikes, rough modifications have been one of the prime causes of road accidents which have been an easy excuse for the traffics who have been against the issue of legalizing modifications.

But again, looking at the other side of the coin, the reasons against defining modifications as an illegal act has also been a subject to ponder upon. The question arises whether the road accidents involve only modified bikes or are the other factors such as vehicle mismanagement, chaotic traffics, and culpable negligence of the pedestrians? But justice is not served by saying that the modified bikes are only responsible for the road accidents or by saying that other factors mentioned above are only responsible for road accidents.

But we have stepped into a country where rules do not count, where the bad ones are rewarded and the good ones are discarded, where bike modifiers with simple paint jobs are doomed by the traffics for no apparent reasons and where applause is received by the modifiers who turn out their cd-100’s to Karizmas. There is no place for any sort of justice here; instead of justice being the right to each and every citizen, it has been an unsolved mystery till the day today. But still we one of the literate ones, who have thrilling passion for biking and modifications may find a way out if fortune is in our hands. We at least can follow the traffic rules, discard rough modifications and stop lame traffics who boast that “modifications have caused accidents therefore they need to be banned!!” It’s almost impossible to put one’s money on the legalization of modifying bikes but we could at least expect the government to maintain a standard as to what types of modifications deserves to be fined and which don’t deserve....

Article Courtesy


  1. its too much now, cant even put stickers...we need to get on street against traffic police...they act like they can do anything anytime...check whoever they want, whenever they want...this must get loud...

  2. changing headlight is allowed in ktm

  3. Is modifying looking glass and rear light of the bike legal?

  4. Is modifying looking glass and rear light of the bike legal?

  5. Looking glass is not allowed but many rider have changed it some of them are caught and fined up 500-1000

  6. I was born in this country..i bought a bike with my money..i pay unnecessary road tax every year..and i still can't do what i want with a bike that i own..literally bullshit

  7. Is pulling any rider out of the road for no reason allowed??


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